Java Weekly, Issue 492

Exhaustiveness in Pattern Matching, dynamic threads for JVM compilers, JFR events in shell, association attributes in JPA, and zero downtime migrations at scale!

Java Weekly, Issue 479

Java security API, Kotlin 2.0 compiler, testcontainers, web apps with Loom, safer refactorings, and write stuff down!

Java Weekly, Issue 475

Fast Java 21, compact strings, static mocks, native GC for Quarkus, async stack trace, and non-vulnerable microservices!

Multitenancy With Spring Data JPA

Building a multi-tenant system in Spring requires keeping data from one tenancy apart from another. We look how to separate requests into different databases by tenant, and how to validate that the requests belong to the correct tenancy.

Java Weekly, Issue 435

Pattern matching 3rd preview, list in Hibernate 6, custom JFR events, splitting tests in Gradle, and chopping the monolith!

Java Weekly, Issue 434

Native Java on K8S, switch expressions, cloud-native with Quarkus, Hibernate SQM, and ML pipelines at scale!

Java Weekly, Issue 431

Spring with Java 17 baseline, simple web server, test containers, AOT in Spring 6, ZGC, and the age of APIs!