Java Weekly, Issue 430

Java 18 is here, composite ids in JPA, Java language evolution, security features in Java 18, error handling, and a better hiring process!

Java Weekly, Issue 415

Migrating to Java 17, i18n in Spring Boot, naming strategies in Hibernate 5, simple web server, and fully-managed load testing on Azure. Good stuff as we’re getting closer to 2022.

Java Weekly, Issue 409

Hibernate Reactive goes GA, caching, Record serialization, no more Dockerfiles with Paketo, and embracing mob programming!

Java Weekly, Issue 404

GC improvements in Java 17, better Foreign Memory API, Spring Boot scheduling, javac Trees, A/B testing at Netflix, and more from K8S 1.22.

Java Weekly, Issue 396

Java’s 6-month cadence dilemma, Panache versatility, retrying with Resilience4j, testing in Spring Boot, and a new major Cassandra version.

Java Weekly, Issue 394

Quarkus and Hibernate, Kotlin internal, the road to K8S 1.22, Elasticsearch meets Amsterdam, and the messy IoT world!

Java Weekly, Issue 393

Quarkus 2.0, GraphQL meets Spring, experimenting with GitHub’s copilot, read-only hints for Hibernate, and uncovering better ways for working!

Java Weekly, Issue 390

New Boot and Java goodness – things are certainly moving fast. And our last COVID launch started yesterday.

Java Weekly, Issue 389

JFR mirror events, testing RSocket, deep dive in SQL execution plans, eBPF at Netflix, and space exploration with AWS!

Java Weekly, Issue 388

Safe natives in Java, secure microservices with Spring Security, continuous testing in Quarkus, AWS timeseries, and different test levels!

Java Weekly, Issue 375

Deserialization events in JFR, more efficient G1, native images, Scala 3, pattern matching for primitives, merge join algorithm, and effective communication.

Java Weekly, Issue 372

Java 16 goes RC1, Unix-domain sockets, native images, jOOQ internals, metrics meets open tracing, joining tables with a hash-join algorithm, and having more effective meetings!

Java Weekly, Issue 365

Virtual threads in Helidon, Out of native memory, circuit breakers, testing HTTP clients, container security, and all benchmarks are wrong!

Guide to the System Stubs Library

Learn the importance of being able to mock system resources and how System Stubs allows for complex configurations of stubbing with JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 plugins

Java Weekly, Issue 361

New release of GraalVM, Speculating over the fate of Loom and Valhalla, Building a server framework, Cloud computing and climate change, and in praise of humility!

Java Weekly, Issue 357

Revisiting project Jigsaw and first-level cache in Hibernate, a little competition for SDKMAN!, moving data at petabyte scale, and fallacies about time and timezones!