Java Weekly, Issue 515

In-memory HTTP server, SSL hot reloading, Kotlin multi-platform, new reactor features, and API versioning!

Is Java Reflection Bad Practice?

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of using Java Reflection, trying to determine whether it qualifies as a bad practice.

Java Weekly, Issue 510

Unused variables, pinned threads, class-file API, concurrent undo cycle, strategy pattern, and managerial skills!

Trunk-Based Development

Learn about the trunk-based development approach and understand how it differs from the feature branch development model.

Java Weekly, Issue 507

Spring Boot with Graal and virtual threads, sealed pattern matching, Oracle JSON, Java 21, and Problem Details in HTTP APIs.

Java Weekly, Issue 493

Generational Shenandoah, nullability of value types, class loaders in Java, DDL validation, and rolling out features at scale!