Java Weekly, Issue 299

A guide to the new Java 13 language features, API improvements, and JVM enhancements, plus a promising new series on enterprise testing efficiency.

Java Weekly, Issue 292

The Java shell, better NPE debugging and being careful what dependencies you’re pulling into your project. Good stuff.

Java Weekly, Issue 291

A cool library for gathering ORM metrics and testing ORM behavior, and Apache NetBeans 11.1 is released as a top-level project.

Java Weekly, Issue 289

A new explore-the-project option is available on Spring Initializr, and a guide to making Kotlin code easier to read through the use of scope functions.

Java Weekly, Issue 285

A cool library for testing database migrations in JUnit that uses throwaway Docker containers, and a method for making S3 signed URLs cacheable.

Java Weekly, Issue 284

A new Spring Cloud Services project for building service brokers, and a look at Hypersistence Optimizer, a performance tuner for JPA and Hibernate applications.

Java Weekly, Issue 283

A good primer on implementing feature toggles and managing them in a microservices architecture, and a review of messaging between Message-Driven Beans.

Java Weekly, Issue 281

A couple of great articles centered around Test-Driven Development, and an overview of distributed data mesh as an enterprise data architecture.

Java Weekly, Issue 279

An overview of the Java wrapper around Hoverfly for testing end-to-end communications in microservices architectures using JUnit 5 and server virtualization.

Java Weekly, Issue 277

A guide to using coroutines and Kotlin Flow to write non-blocking code in an imperative way with the Spring reactive stack.

Java Weekly, Issue 268

An in-depth look at Spring Boot configuration with, and several strategies for dealing with FaaS cold starts.

Java Weekly, Issue 267

A look under-the-hood at the JDK 9+ bytecode generated by the String concatenation operator, which is completely decoupled from the StringBuilder class.