Trunk-Based Development

Learn about the trunk-based development approach and understand how it differs from the feature branch development model.

Java Weekly, Issue 484

Increased GC throughput, writing a profiler from scratch, faster JVM startup, Java 20, and large language models!

Java Weekly, Issue 455

Loomified Helidon, no object allocations, extent-local vars, Java 19/20, Postgres-compatible distributed database, and request waiting list.

Java Weekly, Issue 452

All about the G1 collector this week. Oh, and Java 19 is close – less than a month away. Good summer 🙂

Java Weekly, Issue 449

Parallel GC, DB sequences for Spring Data JDBC, multitenancy with Hibernate, feature flags, and durability in message queues!

Java Weekly, Issue 446

Type inference in Java, JShell, GraalVM on build pipelines, tracing Spring apps, secure API gateway, and cloud-native GitOps!

Java Weekly, Issue 444

Stateless sessions in Hibernate, calling native variadic functions, fetching collections in JPA, project Leyden, and hard stuff in computer science!

Java Weekly, Issue 420

All about distributed systems: fault tolerant JVM, circuit breaker for RestTemplate, tracing in Spring Boot and replicated log. Also, catching errors in Java and risk of micro-dependencies!

Java Weekly, Issue 411

Bulk updates in Spring Data JPA, Java HTTP Clients, Hibernate Reactive, feature flags in Spring Boot, and non-root containers in K8S!