Java Weekly, Issue 389

JFR mirror events, testing RSocket, deep dive in SQL execution plans, eBPF at Netflix, and space exploration with AWS!

Java Weekly, Issue 386

Kafka without ZooKeeper in action, type patterns in Java 17, JFR streaming, JPA entity graph, and applying ML to DevOps issues!

Java Weekly, Issue 346

A very diverse anthology: Project Amber’s design documents are already on GitHub, cloud functions in Micronaut, patterns for distributed systems, and advice for effective blogging.

Java Weekly, Issue 329

A good intro to the new Kotlin DSL for Spring Integration, and a quick look at Java 14’s pattern-matching enhancement for the instanceof operator.

Java Weekly, Issue 296

A look at how Clojure’s minimal syntax gives it a leg up over syntax-heavy languages like Java for building large systems.

Java Weekly, Issue 294

A round-up of all the new language features that have come out since Java 8, with a special focus on local-variable type inference via the var keyword.

Java Weekly, Issue 283

A good primer on implementing feature toggles and managing them in a microservices architecture, and a review of messaging between Message-Driven Beans.

Java Weekly, Issue 280

An interesting week in the Java ecosystem, as the Eclipse Foundation wrestles control of the javax.* package namespace completely away from Oracle.

Java Weekly, Issue 274

A great write-up on controlling test execution order in JUnit 5, and some really solid advice from a veteran conference speaker.

Java Weekly, Issue 270

An overview of new Spring Boot Initializr features, including an enhanced API for custom project generation, plus a handful of Spring Security OAuth releases.

Java Weekly, Issue 265

A good introduction to writing and managing custom addons in TestProject, plus a collection of handy OpenJDK commands every developer should know.

Java Weekly, Issue 263

A new series from Spring on integrating Boot apps with Microsoft Azure, and a quick guide on how to run tests individually and in groups with TestProject.

Java Weekly, Issue 259

From custom entity listeners in Hibernate, to (finally) some interesting persistence reactive support. A good week.

Java Weekly, Issue 256

A deep dive into switch expressions in Java 12, and Amazon’s preview release of Corretto: a free, multi-platform, production-ready OpenJDK build. Very exciting.

Java Weekly, Issue 255

A quick guide to building optimized Dockerfiles for Spring Boot applications, and a Big Data cloud provisioning automation project is met with steep challenges.