Java Weekly, Issue 485

Virtual threads in Java 21, Java profilers, a new build system for Java, auto-explain for Postgres, and Generative AI!

Java Weekly, Issue 479

Java security API, Kotlin 2.0 compiler, testcontainers, web apps with Loom, safer refactorings, and write stuff down!

Java Weekly, Issue 477

Faster Image IO in Java 21, enhanced escape analysis, type-safe stream API queries, scalable media ML, and efficient one-on-ones!

Java Weekly, Issue 475

Fast Java 21, compact strings, static mocks, native GC for Quarkus, async stack trace, and non-vulnerable microservices!

Java Weekly, Issue 458

On using Spring MVC well, an interesting tool to migrate a Spring project to Boot and some testing goodness. A busy week, overall.