Java Weekly, Issue 497

Intermediate stream, intelligent Spring with OpenAI, pattern matching, p99 of GC, and moving out of the Cloud.

How to Get Last Day of a Month in Java

Discover how to find the last day of a month in Java using both core Java methods and popular libraries. This article provides step-by-step explanations for accomplishing the task using Date and Calendar classes, Java 8’s Date Time API, and the Joda Time library with code examples and test cases.

Java Weekly, Issue 494

Simplified SSL in Spring Boot, structured concurrency in Java 21, nulls in Collectors, XSS in Java, and WASM on Docker.

Java Weekly, Issue 493

Generational Shenandoah, nullability of value types, class loaders in Java, DDL validation, and rolling out features at scale!

Java Weekly, Issue 492

Exhaustiveness in Pattern Matching, dynamic threads for JVM compilers, JFR events in shell, association attributes in JPA, and zero downtime migrations at scale!

Java Weekly, Issue 491

Simplified main entries, CDC for cache, cloud-native Graal, key encapsulation, and event sourcing and audit logs!

Java Weekly, Issue 489

Unnamed methods in Java, Hibernate 6 migration, async-profiler, generative AI and jobs, and monoliths are not dinosaurs!

Java Weekly, Issue 488

Pattern matching and records patterns for Java 21, generational ZGC, Spring transactions, JSON views, low latency queues, and naming!

Java Weekly, Issue 487

Java 20, adaptive GC for Quarkus, JFR event streaming, Java threading primitives, maintainable software, and HTTP stats codes!

Java Weekly, Issue 486

Another preview of Foreign Functions, Jakarta REST, Scala 3 annotations, Postgres power features, and Scalable Slack!