1. Spring and Java

>> JEP proposed to target JDK 21: 445: Unnamed Classes and Instance Main Methods (Preview) [openjdk.java.net]

No need to create full-blown classes to test simple ideas anymore: unnamed classes and main methods in Java. Good stuff.

>> Using Async-Profiler and Jattach Programmatically with AP-Loader [foojay.io]

Making it easy to use async-profiler and its included tools programmatically with AP-Loader.

>> Hibernate default entity sequence [vladmihalcea.com]

And let’s see how the default entity sequence changes when migrating from Hibernate 5 to Hibernate 6.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> Why I’m Not So Alarmed About AI And Jobs [techblog.bozho.net]

Should we be concerned about the rise of Gen-AI? Is it going to cause a sweeping loss of jobs for everyone?

>> Monoliths are not dinosaurs [allthingsdistributed.com]

Finally, a great take on why there is not one architectural pattern to rule them all and the importance of being pragmatic.

Also worth reading:

3. Pick of the Week

>> Rules of Thumb for Software Development Estimations [vadimkravcenko.com]

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