Java Weekly, Issue 414

Modeling relations in Mongo, Java performance tips, new features in Java, warming caches at Netflix’s scale and reimagining software architecures!

Java Weekly, Issue 412

Large objects and GC in Java 18, new API in project loom, native images for Spring Boot, AWS MemoryDB, and building an startup!

Java Weekly, Issue 410

Finalizer deprecation, string improvements in Java 17, Kotlin support in protocol buffers, cache libraries on JVM, and software engineering principles.

Java Weekly, Issue 407

Faster Maven builds (always good), how SREs scale in an org, and a cool Datadog feature. A solid week overall.

Java Weekly, Issue 398

Java 16 new features, reflection meets method handles, active record panache, gateway pattern, and swapping in K8S.

Java Weekly, Issue 390

New Boot and Java goodness – things are certainly moving fast. And our last COVID launch started yesterday.

Java Weekly, Issue 388

Safe natives in Java, secure microservices with Spring Security, continuous testing in Quarkus, AWS timeseries, and different test levels!

Java Weekly, Issue 387

Spring Boot 2.5 is released, large pages on JVM, hacking JVM, mapMulti for streams, project loom, and a service-oriented language!

Introduction to Alibaba Sentinel

In this tutorial, we’ll have a look at some of Sentinel’s main features. Further, we’ll see an example of how to use it, its annotation support, and its monitoring dashboard.

Java Weekly, Issue 378

Primitive objects, more performant ZGC, trying Spring native, more secure Java 16, concurrency control approaches, and 15 years of S3.