Java Weekly, Issue 454

JIT internals, project Loom, DTO/entity mapping, micro-batching, monolith to microservices, and object storage in K8S!

Java Weekly, Issue 449

Parallel GC, DB sequences for Spring Data JDBC, multitenancy with Hibernate, feature flags, and durability in message queues!

Java Weekly, Issue 447

Hibernate UUIDs, Kotlin coroutines, max database connections, K8S native Java, and advocate vs educator!

Java Weekly, Issue 441

Java GCs, Project Panama, Spring Data JDBC, multiset vs joins, structured concurrency, and HTTP/3.

Java Weekly, Issue 440

Java 9 cleaners, structured concurrency in Java 19, definitely non-nullable types in Kotlin, native Java, and maxUnavailable for StatefulSets.

Introduction to Spring Cloud Sidecar

Learn about Spring Cloud Sidecar and how to take advantage of Spring Cloud in a microservice world having polyglot services written with different languages and frameworks.

Java Weekly, Issue 438

Structured Concurrency, destructing patterns for Records, a JVM crash story, gRPC probes, and index scans in Postgres!

Java Weekly, Issue 436

Project loom in Java 19, ZGC in Java 18, empty finalize, cloud-native Micronaut, symmetric cryptography, and K8S 1.24.

Java Weekly, Issue 417

Kotlin extension and delegations, Spring Boot 2.6, custom JPA repositories, open-source dilemma, and microservices vs monoliths!