Feature Flags with Spring

Learn how feature flags can help you to enable or disable different functionality in your Spring Boot application without recompiling or redeploying.

Java Weekly, Issue 533

Functional calling LLMs with Java, Ktor new features, postgres indices, GitHub actions on Raspberry PI, and measuring developer productivity. Oh, and JDConf 2024.

Java Weekly, Issue 519

Region pinning for G1, Spring meets CDS, class-file API, new features for Java 22, and tech predictions for 2024. Good stuff.

Java Weekly, Issue 414

Modeling relations in Mongo, Java performance tips, new features in Java, warming caches at Netflix’s scale and reimagining software architecures!

Java Weekly, Issue 398

Java 16 new features, reflection meets method handles, active record panache, gateway pattern, and swapping in K8S.

Java Weekly, Issue 302

A breakdown of the top new features in Spring Data Moore, and a new series on JavaFX is ramping up.