Migrate From Java 8 to Java 17

Explore some extremely useful features available in the newer versions of Java. These features aren’t only easy to learn but can also be implemented quickly without much effort when planning to migrate from Java 8 to Java 17.

javax vs. java Package

Explore examples of both java and javax packages and understand the key differences between them.

Java Weekly, Issue 427

It’s all about the future: Java 18 & 19, Hibernate 6 features, Groovy 4, Kotlin 1.6.2, permitted sealed classes, and API evolution.

Java Weekly, Issue 426

Spring Data 3.0, avoiding stringly typed Kotlin, ID generation in JPA, dockershim removal, and quantum computing.

Java Weekly, Issue 424

ForkJoinPool and parallelism, Embeddable in Hibernate 6, Java annotations, AWS in IntelliJ, free K8S cluster, and ML meet BigQuery!

Random Number Generators in Java 17

Java 17 provides a large number of improvements to the generation of random numbers. We explore the new API and compare it with the original random number generators.