The Baeldung Weekly Review 28

This week was packed with value – from 2 very cool Spring Data new features to a few good usecases of Java 8. A very good week.

Java Weekly, Issue 538

Stream gatherers in Java 23, small additions in Spring, modern Jakarta EE, AOP logging, and Meta patterns!

Java Weekly, Issue 535

Out with the RestTemplate (again), a look back, yes, back, at the just released Java 22 and forward at Java 23. And a solid piece on why we should fight against context-switching.

Java Weekly, Issue 518

Unnamed patterns, Spring boot 3.2, generational ZGC, custom JFR events, index selectively, and chopping a monolith

What Is the .idea Directory?

IntelliJ IDEA stores its settings in the .idea directory. We look at what’s stored here and whether to share the contents via source control.

Java Weekly, Issue 509

Virtual threads, Java 21, more switch enhancements, GraalOS, JVM stack size, and updating events in EDA!