Java Weekly, Issue 318

A sneak peek at improved Docker support coming to Spring Boot, and a collection of cool plugins for IntelliJ IDEA.

Java Weekly, Issue 316

A deep dive into coroutines in Kotlin, and a guide to the RFC-7807 standard for communicating API problems to client applications.

Flogger Fluent Logging

Learn how to use the Flogger framework as an alternative for the traditional logging frameworks.

Categories in Groovy

Learn about the Groovy categories metaprogramming feature that can enable additional features on classes

Guide to Quarkus

Learn about Quarkus and if it’s an alternative for bringing Java more effectively to the cloud

Java Weekly, Issue 274

A great write-up on controlling test execution order in JUnit 5, and some really solid advice from a veteran conference speaker.

Java’s Time-Based Releases

Learn about the change to time-based releases with Java, how it differs from semantic versioning and what how we can expect the support lifecycle to change