Code Analysis with SonarQube

Learn how to set up a SonarQube server locally and how to use Quality Gate to define the criteria for the fitness of a project for production release.

The Baeldung Weekly Review 40

Some solid articles this week, on code coverage (being a useless metric), interesting JSON Patch Spring experiments and a new installment in the Chess TDD Series.

Java Weekly, Issue 510

Unused variables, pinned threads, class-file API, concurrent undo cycle, strategy pattern, and managerial skills!

Java Weekly, Issue 498

Generational ZGC, reactive database access, health check, Kotlin 1.9, and billions of messages over TCP/IP!

Java Weekly, Issue 443

G1GC, data-oriented programming with project amber, Spring transactions, automated testing, and diversity of browser engines!

Java Weekly, Issue 278

Red Hat takes the reins from Oracle in assuming control of OpenJDK 8 and 11, bolstering its support for the Java community, especially enterprise developers.

Java Weekly, Issue 213

This week, implementing Post/Redirect/Get pattern in Servlet API, migration from Dropwizard Metrics to Micrometer, and some cool insights in how code analysis in IntelliJ IDEA works.