Java Weekly, Issue 479

Java security API, Kotlin 2.0 compiler, testcontainers, web apps with Loom, safer refactorings, and write stuff down!

Guide to Java Project Panama

Project Panama aims to ease the interaction between Java and foreign (non-Java) APIs, i.e., native code written in C, C++, etc.

Java Weekly, Issue 478

Spring 3 Native support, TSID with Hibernate, window functions in Hibernate, placing features in systems, and Human OS!

Migrate From Java 8 to Java 17

Explore some extremely useful features available in the newer versions of Java. These features aren’t only easy to learn but can also be implemented quickly without much effort when planning to migrate from Java 8 to Java 17.

Java Weekly, Issue 477

Faster Image IO in Java 21, enhanced escape analysis, type-safe stream API queries, scalable media ML, and efficient one-on-ones!

Java Weekly, Issue 476

Records in Hibernate, pattern matching, flexible Gradle, Java GC, and Stream Processing with Hazelcas.

OpenTelemetry Setup in Spring Boot Application

Deploying microservices can lead to challenges in tracing requests across those services. With OpenTelemetry we’re able to capture logs from independent services and use them to observe traces of entire requests. We look at how to achieve this in Spring.

Memory Types in JVM

Learn about the different memory types in the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and understand the reasons for some common memory-related errors.

Java Weekly, Issue 474

Safe native memory management with Java, scaling DAO layer in Spring apps, releasing to maven central, REST glory, and window functions in MySQL!