Java Weekly, Issue 256

A deep dive into switch expressions in Java 12, and Amazon’s preview release of Corretto: a free, multi-platform, production-ready OpenJDK build. Very exciting.

Java Weekly, Issue 255

A quick guide to building optimized Dockerfiles for Spring Boot applications, and a Big Data cloud provisioning automation project is met with steep challenges.

Java Weekly, Issue 250

A historical look at how the hashing algorithm for Strings has improved steadily with each Java release, and a review of the latest Kotlin features.

Java Weekly, Issue 249

A busy week in the Spring and Java ecosystems, with lots of content from SpringOne Platform 2018, and a great way to organize your BDD-style tests in JUnit 5.

Spring Vault

Learn about what Spring has to offer when working with Vault – a popular tool to store and secure secrets

Java Weekly, Issue 245

Another busy week, as this installment features a great introduction to Spring Boot Actuators and a powerful factory pattern for building test objects.

Java Weekly, Issue 236

Some great writeups this week, as ACID transactions arrive in Spring Data MongoDB, plus a brief look at a clever language for achieving attribute-based access control in Spring Security.