Trusting All Certificates in OkHttp

Learn how to create an OkHttpClient and configure it to trust all certificates — not the best practice in production, but you may need it from time to time during development or testing.

Java Weekly, Issue 536

News on Java evolving through JEPs and an exploration of the Azure Spring Apps platform from Microsoft (and VMware). A solid week.

A Guide to etcd

Explore etcd, an open-source distributed key-value store. Understand its fundamental concepts, features, and use cases with examples.

Java Weekly, Issue 518

Unnamed patterns, Spring boot 3.2, generational ZGC, custom JFR events, index selectively, and chopping a monolith

Manage Kafka Consumer Groups

Learn about Kafka consumer groups and their role in enhancing scalability by enabling multiple consumers to read from the same topic in parallel.

Java Weekly, Issue 508

Java 21, monkey patching with Java, high-performant records, 12-factor apps, OpenJDK migrations, and real-time applications!