Java Weekly, Issue 395

Tunneling to Rust from Java, RabbitMQ streams, fewer releases for K8S, and why agile transformation fails!

Java Weekly, Issue 394

Quarkus and Hibernate, Kotlin internal, the road to K8S 1.22, Elasticsearch meets Amsterdam, and the messy IoT world!

Java Weekly, Issue 389

JFR mirror events, testing RSocket, deep dive in SQL execution plans, eBPF at Netflix, and space exploration with AWS!

Java Weekly, Issue 388

Safe natives in Java, secure microservices with Spring Security, continuous testing in Quarkus, AWS timeseries, and different test levels!

Java Weekly, Issue 385

Non-blocking networking with Project Loom, teeing collector, Spring and AWS SQS, Kotlin 1.5, and strong consistency in AWS S3!

Decode a JWT Token in Java

JWT is used to provide a user’s credentials to a web service. We look at how to read the contents of a JWT and verify its authenticity.

Java Weekly, Issue 368

Pattern matching and guards, fat JARs, Reactive Hibernate, HTTP clients and Project Reactor, timed leasing for distributed systems, and when to say No!

Redis vs MongoDB

Learn some features offered by Redis and MongoDB and see when to use Redis or MongoDB by comparing them against each other

Java Weekly, Issue 351

Java 15 goes GA, A collection of Spring/JPA topics, creating highly scalable distributed systems, and good looking GitHub profiles!

Java Weekly, Issue 345

Microsoft continues to contribute to the Java ecosystem with new the OpenJDK for ARM and JMS over AMQP. Also, Patterns to manage distributed systems and finally, working effectively from home!