Java Weekly, Issue 459

Sequenced collections, loom and spring, better Criteria API, Apache InLong, Zally, and API standardization.

Java Weekly, Issue 455

Loomified Helidon, no object allocations, extent-local vars, Java 19/20, Postgres-compatible distributed database, and request waiting list.

Java Weekly, Issue 451

Java bytecode, extent-local variables, CDC and transactional outbox pattern, test containers, and clock-bound wait in distributed systems!

Java HttpClient With SSL

Learn how to use the Java HttpClient to connect to HTTPS URLs and also find out how to bypass certificate verification in non-production environments.

Java Weekly, Issue 434

Native Java on K8S, switch expressions, cloud-native with Quarkus, Hibernate SQM, and ML pipelines at scale!

Java Weekly, Issue 428

Reconsidering DTOs, Spring Shell, Cloud CVEs, technical debts, and how we found dirty pipe vulnerability!

Java Weekly, Issue 424

ForkJoinPool and parallelism, Embeddable in Hibernate 6, Java annotations, AWS in IntelliJ, free K8S cluster, and ML meet BigQuery!

Java Weekly, Issue 421

Revisiting transactional, dynamic, and partial updates, JPA flush modes, Kafka vs Chronicle, and the real cost of attrition!

Java Weekly, Issue 420

All about distributed systems: fault tolerant JVM, circuit breaker for RestTemplate, tracing in Spring Boot and replicated log. Also, catching errors in Java and risk of micro-dependencies!

Java Weekly, Issue 416

All about log4j RCE exploit, Spring Boot remedies for log4j, building native images in Quarkus, and a new AWS region in Jakarta.

Java Weekly, Issue 411

Bulk updates in Spring Data JPA, Java HTTP Clients, Hibernate Reactive, feature flags in Spring Boot, and non-root containers in K8S!

New Features in Java 17

In this article, we’ll talk about the news related to the new version of the Java ecosystem, Java SE 17 – the new features and the changes in its release process, LTS support, and licenses.

Java Weekly, Issue 409

Hibernate Reactive goes GA, caching, Record serialization, no more Dockerfiles with Paketo, and embracing mob programming!

Java Weekly, Issue 402

Ready for Java 17? Spring baselining on Java 17, migration tips, and IntelliJ support. Also, more efficient gRPC, 10 years of Kotlin, and simplifying hard tasks!

Java Weekly, Issue 398

Java 16 new features, reflection meets method handles, active record panache, gateway pattern, and swapping in K8S.