Using Test Containers With Spring Data Cassandra

We can test our Spring Data integration with Cassandra by using Testcontainers. This starts a temporary instance of Cassandra to use during our tests. We investigate how to do this and configure spring during the test.

Java Weekly, Issue 407

Faster Maven builds (always good), how SREs scale in an org, and a cool Datadog feature. A solid week overall.

Cassandra Frozen Keyword

Learn about the frozen keyword in Apache Cassandra and how to create frozen collections and user-defined types.

Java Weekly, Issue 400

Micronaut 3 is released, Spring IoC, source code snippets in Java 18, panache repository pattern, filtering out syscalls in K8S, and climate change!

Learn Spring Course

Get started with the Spring Framework by building a practical project with Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3.

CQL Data Types

Learn about some of the different data types of the Apache Cassandra database.

Java Weekly, Issue 395

Tunneling to Rust from Java, RabbitMQ streams, fewer releases for K8S, and why agile transformation fails!

Java Weekly, Issue 376

On Java 16 and beyond: Records, Vector API, Unix domain sockets, UTF-8 everything, and Project Valhalla. Also, slow queries with Hibernate, and Kind over minikube!