Intro to Apache Commons Configuration Project

Apache Commons Configuration can be used to allow us to specify configuration parameters to be loaded at runtime by our application. We look at a few use cases and types of configuration files.

Java Weekly, Issue 539

Jakarta Data, multimodal LLMs, deprecating Dates in Hibernate, vector API, and Agile as a silver bullet (or not).

Java Weekly, Issue 538

Stream gatherers in Java 23, small additions in Spring, modern Jakarta EE, AOP logging, and Meta patterns!

Java Weekly, Issue 536

News on Java evolving through JEPs and an exploration of the Azure Spring Apps platform from Microsoft (and VMware). A solid week.

Java Weekly, Issue 535

Out with the RestTemplate (again), a look back, yes, back, at the just released Java 22 and forward at Java 23. And a solid piece on why we should fight against context-switching.

Java Weekly, Issue 533

Functional calling LLMs with Java, Ktor new features, postgres indices, GitHub actions on Raspberry PI, and measuring developer productivity. Oh, and JDConf 2024.

Java Weekly, Issue 532

Generational ZGC, Java 22 and beyond, random generator, GPU programming in Java, and event interception!

Java Weekly, Issue 531

Records meet JPA, cloud cost, and Java at Netflix, more secure APIs, and face-to-face meetings. A packed week.

A Guide to etcd

Explore etcd, an open-source distributed key-value store. Understand its fundamental concepts, features, and use cases with examples.

Java Weekly, Issue 530

Optional pattern matching, GC and compilers, GraalVM, minimizing costs, catching up with tech trends, and Postgres tuning!

Java Weekly, Issue 529

LINQ emulation in Java, JPA fetch types, stateless sessions in Hibernate, GC improvements, and Actor model concurrency.