Java Weekly, Issue 200

Unsurprisingly, a lot of Java 9 this week, a JMH introduction, Spring Cloud, and a bit of Hibernate. Oh, and we’re at issue 200 🙂

Java Weekly, Issue 199

This week was focused on migration guides (Java 9, Microservices). Also, some interesting presentations on RxJava and the blockchain technology.

Java Weekly, Issue 189

This week was focused on the functional paradigm that’s making its way to both the Java and Spring ecosystem.

Java Weekly, Issue 188

A Spring 5 focused week for sure, but definitely some good writeups beyond the Spring ecosystem.

Spring Cloud Bus

Learn how to use Spring Cloud Bus for broadcasting configuration changes and automating client updates.

Java Weekly, Issue 186

A solid, forward looking week, now that Java 9 is around the corner, but also looking back at some forgotten Java features, such as labels.

Java Weekly, Issue 184

Some interesting writeups this week, from deep-dives into the Stream API to the new JPA 2.2, Hibernate and the new Spring Boot Admin dashboard.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 179

Definitely some interesting writeups this week, all about building microservice architectures, managing an organization well as the CIO, and doing work on legacy code.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 178

A light week with some fantastic writeups, from the No vote for Jigsaw, on to Hibernate with PostgreSQL, to a deep dive into the disadvantages of microservice architecture.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 177

An eventful week after the Jigsaw vote, lots of new stuff on the horizon and of course my releases of the new Certification classes.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 172

A rather quick review this week, but definitely full of interesting reads, starting with the impact of Java 9 on some tools to the performance of logging frameworks.

Intro to JHipster

Learn how to get started with JHipster by creating a first, simple application.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 167

Lots of Spring releases this week, along with some solid Java 9 articles looking at what’s coming (very soon) with that release. A diverse and solid week.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 165

Upcoming Java 9 goodness, an ElasticSearch handy cheat-sheet and a cool example of evolving a mature framework. Good stuff all round this week.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 164

From signing a Spring Boot jar to a new multi-release jar feature in Java 9 – with a short stop to look at some solid habits developers should work on – a great week.