Java Web Weekly, Issue 132

Quite an interesting week with Java 9 almost ready to commit to a hard date, a solid HATEOAS writeup for the Spring ecosystem and lots of releases and goodness.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 128

This week, some cool writeups all about reactive programming coming to Spring as well as insights out of a huge dataset of Java exceptions.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 127

A well thought out writeup on deploying to production with Spring and some solid advice on why events make a lot of sense for microservices.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 123

Some cool additions to Spring Data, o solid piece on Hypermedia APIs and of course musings on microservices. A pretty good week.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 118

Jenkins 2, JUnit 5, Spring 5 – yeah, we’re definitely getting close to some exciting releases. A solid week chock full of solid writeups.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 117

Local variable type inference, a quick and useful way of running your JUnit tests more predictably and the first RC of Spring Security 4.1 – an exciting week.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 116

An interesting week focused on culture, hiring and firing but definitely also on the upcoming developments in Java 9 and Spring 5.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 115

The details of Spring IO are out, Java 10 might be getting a significant syntax upgrade and the talks that have come out this week are quite interesting. Not too shabby.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 113

JUnit 5 is picking up the pace, lambdas are still fun to play with and a host of solid talks for the weekend. A good, interesting week.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 109

A solid week with some interesting pieces on general application security, the Java browser plugin and Hibernate training. Cool stuff.

Java Web Weekly 2

The Java language has seen huge growth in 2015, good API design is as difficult as ever and good git commits are actually possible. A solid first week of 2016.

Java Web Weekly 51

Interesting writeups this week from reducing the GC overhead of your app, to a new HTTP status code – the 451 and the evolution of the way Java does versions

Java Web Weekly 49

From the schedule push of Java 9 to a lot of Spring goodness, this week was certainly packed with solid writeups.

Java Web Weekly 42

An interesting and diverse week with some cool CQRS pieces, a quick foray into CI and a round of discoverability.

Baeldung Weekly Review 35

An even spread this week between solid Spring writeups on microservices and the odd DDD focused piece. Some solid reading.

Baeldung Weekly Review 33

Some interesting pieces this week, about the new Java REPL, mixing Clojure with Java and Spring and application tuning and profiling.

Baeldung Weekly Review 30

Further Java 9 news, testing web apps with the page object pattern and a great look at static analysis benefits.

Baeldung Weekly Review 7

A busy week for the Spring ecosystem, with Spring 4.2 getting closer and closer. A discussion about timezones as well – what more do we need?

Baeldung Weekly Review 4

A lot of great reads this week, starting with some Spring Security goodness, a number-heavy benchmark of the Java parallelism frameworks and of course some Dilbert.