Java Weekly, Issue 240

Good writeups on testing microservices this week, while several Spring projects get new releases. And Eclipse users will be excited about the Photon release.

Java Weekly, Issue 236

Some great writeups this week, as ACID transactions arrive in Spring Data MongoDB, plus a brief look at a clever language for achieving attribute-based access control in Spring Security.

Spring AMQP in Reactive Applications

Learn how to create a Spring Boot Reactive Application that integrates with the RabbitMQ messaging server, an implementation of the AMQP messaging standard.

Java Weekly, Issue 234

Busy week for upgrades, especially in the Spring ecosystem, plus a cool write-up on a fast and lean Java collections library.

Java Weekly, Issue 231

This week, migrating from Java to Kotlin and to Java again, exploring Spring Boot testing, and reinventing the calendar.

Java Weekly, Issue 230

This week, a lot of Docker-related write-ups, and a cool piece about the importance of experience diversity provided by engaging in side-projects.

Java Weekly, Issue 229

This week, Spring Boot 2.0 and metrics, a deep insight into Gradle performance testing, and a cool write-up about problems related to running Java in Docker.

Java Weekly, Issue 218

This week, more and more Java 10 (as the release approaches), Spring Boot 2.0 going GA, and an interesting write-up about why we should NOT specialize in particular technical stacks (at least from a high-level point of view).

Code Analysis with SonarQube

Learn how to set up a SonarQube server locally and how to use Quality Gate to define the criteria for the fitness of a project for production release.

Java Weekly, Issue 217

A monster installment this week, with a lot of solid writeups. Lots of reading material for the weekend.

Using a Spring Cloud App Starter

Let’s have a look at how to use Spring Cloud App starters using an example which streams Twitter posts into a Hadoop Distributed File System.