How to Analyze Java Thread Dumps

Learn how to analyze thread dumps to efficiently diagnose performance issues. Also, we’ll learn to detect bottlenecks or even simple bugs.

Java File Separator vs File Path Separator

To make our code portable between operating systems, we need to handle the directory and path separator characters correctly. We look at a few ways that Java can help use the correct characters for the host operating system.

Java Weekly, Issue 365

Virtual threads in Helidon, Out of native memory, circuit breakers, testing HTTP clients, container security, and all benchmarks are wrong!

Reducing JSON Data Size

In this tutorial, we’ll look at various ways of reducing the size of JSON in our Java applications.

SSH Connection With Java

Learn how to establish an SSH connection with Java using two of the available Java libraries – JSch and Apache Mina SSHD.

Java Weekly, Issue 339

The Spring story on GraalVM is getting polish and Java 14 and even 15 features are getting some well-deserved attention. A solid week in the Java ecosystem.