Plugin Management in Maven

Plugin management allows us to configure how plugins work across multi-module maven builds. We look at how this can be used and configured.

Tiered Compilation in JVM

The JVM’s just in time compiler employs multiple techniques to optimize our software as it runs. We explore the various tiers and how they affect startup performance and continued optimization.

Java Weekly, Issue 391

Going from imperative to the reactive paradigm, web standards, and the future of the internet. Good stuff.

Java Weekly, Issue 389

JFR mirror events, testing RSocket, deep dive in SQL execution plans, eBPF at Netflix, and space exploration with AWS!

Java Weekly, Issue 385

Non-blocking networking with Project Loom, teeing collector, Spring and AWS SQS, Kotlin 1.5, and strong consistency in AWS S3!

What Are Compile-Time Constants in Java?

The Java compiler is able to pre-calculate certain values for us at compile time. This allows us to use some variables with expressions that must be constant, and leads to some runtime efficiencies.