Java Weekly, Issue 424

ForkJoinPool and parallelism, Embeddable in Hibernate 6, Java annotations, AWS in IntelliJ, free K8S cluster, and ML meet BigQuery!

Hibernate Validator Annotation Processor in Depth

When using the Java constraints library, it’s easy to make a mistake with an annotation and only find out about it at runtime. We look at the available annotation processor and how it can give us early feedback.

Java Weekly, Issue 422

GraalVM release, composition vs inheritance in JPA, Gradle plugins, finding performance regressions at scale, and beautiful technical debt.

Java Weekly, Issue 413

Java bridger, GC improvements in Java, Kotlin 1.6, native images, hashing in Java, full-stack Spring Boot, and K8S operators!

New Features in Java 17

In this article, we’ll talk about the news related to the new version of the Java ecosystem, Java SE 17 – the new features and the changes in its release process, LTS support, and licenses.

Java Weekly, Issue 410

Finalizer deprecation, string improvements in Java 17, Kotlin support in protocol buffers, cache libraries on JVM, and software engineering principles.

New Features in Java 16

Java 16 brings a series of improvements to the language, including increments to records, sealed classes and switch statements. We review some of the new features as well as looking at some capabilities that are going away.