Armstrong Numbers in Java

Learn how to check if an integer is an Armstrong number and generate OEIS sequence A005188 up to a given limit

Spark DataFrame

Spark’s DataFrame component is an essential part of its API. It represents data in a table like way so we can perform operations on it. We look at the Java Dataset type, which is used to interact with DataFrames and we see how to read data from a JSON file and write it to a database.

Read a File Into a Map in Java

Learn two approaches to read content from a text file and save it in a Java Map object along with three strategies to handle duplicate keys

Java Weekly, Issue 426

Spring Data 3.0, avoiding stringly typed Kotlin, ID generation in JPA, dockershim removal, and quantum computing.

Random Number Generators in Java 17

Java 17 provides a large number of improvements to the generation of random numbers. We explore the new API and compare it with the original random number generators.

New Features in Java 17

In this article, we’ll talk about the news related to the new version of the Java ecosystem, Java SE 17 – the new features and the changes in its release process, LTS support, and licenses.