Java Weekly, Issue 270

An overview of new Spring Boot Initializr features, including an enhanced API for custom project generation, plus a handful of Spring Security OAuth releases.

Java Weekly, Issue 267

A look under-the-hood at the JDK 9+ bytecode generated by the String concatenation operator, which is completely decoupled from the StringBuilder class.

Java Weekly, Issue 266

A lightweight approach to CDI bean testing with Weld, plus a look at four quality gates you can use to evaluate whether your release is production-ready.

Java Weekly, Issue 265

A good introduction to writing and managing custom addons in TestProject, plus a collection of handy OpenJDK commands every developer should know.

Java Weekly, Issue 260

A solid post on Spring performance optimizations, and a couple of good write-ups on Hibernate and JPA.

Java Weekly, Issue 254

A quick look at Spring Boot DevTools and how it can speed up development, plus a list of the top 100 Java libraries in 2018.