New Features in Java 16

Java 16 brings a series of improvements to the language, including increments to records, sealed classes and switch statements. We review some of the new features as well as looking at some capabilities that are going away.

Logical vs Bitwise OR Operator

Java supports two variations of OR with different operator precedence and runtime behaviour. We explore how logical OR short-circuits and how bitwise OR applies to numbers and boolean values.

RSA in Java

Learn how to create RSA keys in Java and how to use them to encrypt and decrypt messages and files.

Java Weekly, Issue 379

Pattern matching meets switch expressions, working with lazy relationships, Spring Boot for serverless, the road to Kotlin 1.5 and Java 17, and tips for working from home!

How to Analyze Java Thread Dumps

Learn how to analyze thread dumps to efficiently diagnose performance issues. Also, we’ll learn to detect bottlenecks or even simple bugs.

Java Weekly, Issue 348

Kotlin 1.4 is out with lots of small yet useful features! Intriguing topics on GraalVM, Spring, Hibernate, and SQL. Also, more patterns to design distributed systems.