Java Weekly, Issue 478

Spring 3 Native support, TSID with Hibernate, window functions in Hibernate, placing features in systems, and Human OS!

OpenTelemetry Setup in Spring Boot Application

Deploying microservices can lead to challenges in tracing requests across those services. With OpenTelemetry we’re able to capture logs from independent services and use them to observe traces of entire requests. We look at how to achieve this in Spring.

Java Weekly, Issue 473

Kotlin 1.8, infinite memory with Java 20, DTO projections with Blaze persistence, API design patterns, and functional classes.

Java Weekly, Issue 471

MongoDB, Spring Modulith, liveness and startup probes for Spring Boot, Kafka on K8S, JVM debugging internals, and BigTable pagination in Java. Happy New Year 🙂

Java Weekly, Issue 377

Java 16 is released, official native images for Spring, backpressure, Jetty HTTP load generator, GitHub actions, and say no to SOLID!

Java Weekly, Issue 359

All things Reactive: R2DBC joins Reactive Foundation, Reactive Manifesto II, and The Reactive Principles. NUMA meets G1, GraphQL at scale, and write angry!

Java Weekly, Issue 357

Revisiting project Jigsaw and first-level cache in Hibernate, a little competition for SDKMAN!, moving data at petabyte scale, and fallacies about time and timezones!