Introduction to Brave

Explore Brave, a popular distributed tracing instrumentation library in the Java ecosystem.

Java Weekly, Issue 418

State of Valhalla, Quarkus 2.6, Native Spring, new coroutine release, Qodana code quality, and the holy grail of keyboard layouts! A good way to end the year 🙂

Guide to the System Stubs Library

Learn the importance of being able to mock system resources and how System Stubs allows for complex configurations of stubbing with JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 plugins

Java Weekly, Issue 344

Java is moving so fast! Java 15 is about to be released and we have two exciting news about Java 16. Also, some interesting topics on Security and Cloud.

Java Weekly, Issue 321

Spring’s new website sports a fresh, clean design, and an exercise in optimizing a Java method with an eye toward minimizing its bytecode footprint.