Java List Interface

Learn about the Java list interface, including core functions and concrete implementations.

Gravity/Bead Sort in Java

Learn about the gravity sort (a.k.a. bead sort) algorithm and understand its single-threaded implementation in Java.

Spark DataFrame

Spark’s DataFrame component is an essential part of its API. It represents data in a table like way so we can perform operations on it. We look at the Java Dataset type, which is used to interact with DataFrames and we see how to read data from a JSON file and write it to a database.

Java Weekly, Issue 426

Spring Data 3.0, avoiding stringly typed Kotlin, ID generation in JPA, dockershim removal, and quantum computing.

Java Weekly, Issue 424

ForkJoinPool and parallelism, Embeddable in Hibernate 6, Java annotations, AWS in IntelliJ, free K8S cluster, and ML meet BigQuery!

Assert That an Object Is From a Specific Type

In this article, we’ll explore how we can verify that an object is of a specific type. We’ll be looking at different testing libraries and what methods they offer to assert the object type.