MongoDB vs. Couchbase

Explore the similarities and differences between MongoDB and Couchbase in terms of the architecture, features, data model, and more.

Java Weekly, Issue 455

Loomified Helidon, no object allocations, extent-local vars, Java 19/20, Postgres-compatible distributed database, and request waiting list.

Java Weekly, Issue 445

The cost of logging, becoming an open-source committer, and a quick piece about why HTTP3 is fast. A quick and to-the-point week 🙂

Java Weekly, Issue 440

Java 9 cleaners, structured concurrency in Java 19, definitely non-nullable types in Kotlin, native Java, and maxUnavailable for StatefulSets.

Guide to Netflix Spectator

A guide to Spectator, a library from Netflix for metrics measurement. Learn what features it provides and how to use it to collect metrics.

Java Weekly, Issue 412

Large objects and GC in Java 18, new API in project loom, native images for Spring Boot, AWS MemoryDB, and building an startup!

New Features in Java 17

In this article, we’ll talk about the news related to the new version of the Java ecosystem, Java SE 17 – the new features and the changes in its release process, LTS support, and licenses.

Choosing a GC Algorithm in Java

Learn about the various garbage collectors supported by the JVM and some key characteristics that can help us decide on the right one to use, depending on our application’s needs.