How to Get Last Day of a Month in Java

Discover how to find the last day of a month in Java using both core Java methods and popular libraries. This article provides step-by-step explanations for accomplishing the task using Date and Calendar classes, Java 8’s Date Time API, and the Joda Time library with code examples and test cases.

Adding One Month to Current Date in Java

In this short tutorial, we discuss various methods of adding one month to the current date in Java. We cover using core Java methods as well as popular external libraries such as Joda-Time and Apache Commons Lang3.

Java Weekly, Issue 491

Simplified main entries, CDC for cache, cloud-native Graal, key encapsulation, and event sourcing and audit logs!

Java PrintStream to String

This article provides several ways of converting a PrintStream to a String in Java.The approaches include using ByteArrayOutputStream, a custom output stream, and Apache Commons IO.

Java Weekly, Issue 489

Unnamed methods in Java, Hibernate 6 migration, async-profiler, generative AI and jobs, and monoliths are not dinosaurs!