Java Weekly, Issue 521

Stream Gatherers, GC improvements, exceptions in switch, Quarkus virtual threads, lesser-known apache projects, and Software Engineering. A good week.

Java Weekly, Issue 520

Scoped values, auto-closable HttpClient, virtual threads on Helidon 4, DAO or not DAO, and Apache Pinot!

Java Weekly, Issue 519

Region pinning for G1, Spring meets CDS, class-file API, new features for Java 22, and tech predictions for 2024. Good stuff.

Java Weekly, Issue 518

Unnamed patterns, Spring boot 3.2, generational ZGC, custom JFR events, index selectively, and chopping a monolith

Java Weekly, Issue 517

Last few days of Black Friday. Cascading deletes with Hibernate, Spring 6.1, String Templates, Ktor, error handling, and test data generation. A good week 🙂

Java Weekly, Issue 516

Table partitioning with Spring, pattern matching, project loom, generational GC, log4shell retro, and Open Telemetry collector!