Java Web Weekly, Issue 141

A packed week starting with a deep-dive into Java 9, lots of SpringOne talks, a solid writeup on ElasticSearch tuning and a piece about troubleshooting

Java Web Weekly, Issue 140

A packed list of great writeups this week, with a clear focus on security, a great JUnit 5 cheat sheet and some Java 8 collectors goodness.

Intro to JaCoCo

A quick intro to using the JaCoCo maven plugin to generating test coverage reports.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 136

An packed week starting with Hibernate advice and SpringOne and wrapping up with technical debt and the impact it can have on teams.

A Guide to REST-assured

Explore the basics of REST-assured – a library that simplifies the testing and validation of REST APIs.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 134

The Java “State of the Union”, a look at JUnit 5 and some cool notes on reactive programming – quite an interesting week.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 133

The first milestone of JUnit 5 is out, we have another solid deep-dive into the issues of a persistence solution and some of the best StackOverflow questions ever.