A Guide to REST-assured

Explore the basics of REST-assured – a library that simplifies the testing and validation of REST APIs.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 134

The Java “State of the Union”, a look at JUnit 5 and some cool notes on reactive programming – quite an interesting week.

Intro to the Jackson ObjectMapper

The article discusses Jackson’s central ObjectMapper class, basic serialization and deserialization as well as configuring the two processes.

Introduction to Java Logging

A quick intro to logging in Java – the libraries, the configuration details as well as pros and cons of each solution.

AssertJ for Guava

This article focuses on AssertJ Guava-related assertions and is the second article from the AssertJ series.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 132

Quite an interesting week with Java 9 almost ready to commit to a hard date, a solid HATEOAS writeup for the Spring ecosystem and lots of releases and goodness.

Introduction to AssertJ

AssertJ is an open-source library for writing fluent and rich assertions in Java tests. This article focuses on tools available in the basic AssertJ-core module.