1. Spring and Java

>> Spring Framework RCE: Early Announcement & Mitigation Alternative [spring.io]

A detailed guide about the recent RCE vulnerability in Spring MVC & WebFlux: an overview of the issue, impact, and workarounds.

>> Sip of Java – JavaDoc Code Snippet API [inside.java]

A practical guide on how to include code snippets in the Javadoc using the new JavaDoc @snippet tag.

>> Debugging native library linkage errors [jornvernee.github.io]

And a useful read about the common errors while using native libraries in Java and also, the possible solutions to them.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical & Musings

>> Which Kinds of Tests Should I Write? [blog.thecodewhisperer.com]

A short but to the point article on when and how to write a test. Somewhat debated, yes, but a good place to start.

Also worth reading:

3. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> Dilbert Invents Energy Source [dilbert.com]

>> Pretending To Listen [dilbert.com]

>> My Kind Invented You [dilbert.com]

4. Pick of the Week

>> Debugging Live Java Applications with Lightrun [lightrun.com]

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Java Weekly, Issue 433
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Java Weekly, Issue 431

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