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1. Introduction

The LinkedHashMap class provides a convenient way to maintain the insertion order of key-value pairs while still offering the functionality of a HashMap.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore several approaches to retrieve the position (index) within a LinkedHashMap.

2. Overview of LinkedHashMap

LinkedHashMap is a Java class that extends HashMap and maintains a linked list of entries in the order they were inserted. This means that the order of elements in a LinkedHashMap is predictable and reflects the insertion order of keys.

To work with a LinkedHashMap, we can create an instance and populate it with key-value pairs. The following code snippet demonstrates the creation of a LinkedHashMap:

LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> linkedHashMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    linkedHashMap.put("apple", 10);
    linkedHashMap.put("orange", 20);
    linkedHashMap.put("banana", 15);

Here, we create a LinkedHashMap named linkedHashMap and populate it with some key-value pairs.

3. Iterating through the Entry Set Approach

We can find a specific key’s position (index) in a LinkedHashMap by iterating through its Entry set. The following test method illustrates this approach:

void givenLinkedHashMap_whenIteratingThroughEntrySet_thenRetrievePositionByKey() {
    int position = 0;
    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : linkedHashMap.entrySet()) {
        if (entry.getKey().equals("orange")) {
            assertEquals(1, position);
    fail("Key not found");

In this test method, we start by initializing a LinkedHashMap named linkedHashMap with specific key/value pairs. We then iterate through the entry set of this LinkedHashMap using a loop. During each iteration, we compare the key of the current entry with the target key orange using the entry. getKey().equals().

When a match is found, we assert that the current position (position) corresponds to the expected index 1 for the key (orange) within the insertion order of the LinkedHashMap and exit the method successfully.

After iterating through the entry set, the test will fail if the key isn’t found or the position is incorrect.

4. Using Java Streams

Another approach to solving this issue is using Java Streams. Here’s the implementation for this approach:

void givenLinkedHashMap_whenUsingJavaStreams_thenRetrievePositionByValue() {
    Optional<String> key = linkedHashMap.keySet().stream()
      .filter(integer -> Objects.equals(integer, "orange"))

    key.ifPresent(s -> assertEquals(1, new LinkedList<>(linkedHashMap.keySet()).indexOf(s)));

In this test method, we utilize the linkedHashMap.keySet() method to return a set of the keys contained in the LinkedHashMap. Then, we create a stream of the keys by calling the stream() method on this set.

Afterward, we employ the filter() method to narrow down the stream elements based on a given predicate. In this case, it tries to find the key whose value is orange. After filtering, we call the findFirst() method to obtain the first element that matches the filter predicate.

The Optional<String> key represents the result of findFirst(), which may or may not contain a value based on whether a matching key was found. Therefore, we use the assertTrue(key.isPresent()) method.

5. Conclusion

In this article, we explored different approaches to getting the position of a key value within a LinkedHashMap in Java.

As always, the complete code samples for this article can be found over on GitHub.

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