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1. Introduction

Java 8 brought a paradigm shift in the way we handle collections and data manipulation with the introduction of Streams. Stream APIs offer a concise and expressive way to perform operations on data, enabling developers to write more readable, robust, and efficient code.

In this tutorial, we’ll delve into the interesting world of Stream operations, focusing on the empty List. Although working with an empty List might seem trivial, it unveils some powerful aspects of the Stream API.

2. Converting an Empty List to a Stream

We can easily obtain a Stream from an empty List using the stream() method:

List<String> emptyList = new ArrayList<>();
Stream<String> emptyStream =;

This enables us to perform various Stream operations on an empty List just as on a non-empty List. However, we must note that the result of the operation could be empty since the source of the Stream is empty. Furthermore, it could be interesting to explore more about working with empty Stream in Java.

3. Significance of an Empty Stream for Handling NullPointerException

One notable advantage of using Streams with empty Lists is the prevention of NullPointerExceptions. Let’s consider the following example, where the getList() method may return null:

List<String> nameList = getList(); // Assume getList() may return null

// Without Stream
if (nameList != null) {
    for (String str : nameList) {
        System.out.println("Length of " + name + ": " + name.length());

Here, in the non-stream approach, we must check for null before iterating over the List to avoid a NullPointerException.

On the other hand, using Optional and Stream, we can perform a long chain of operations without specifically handling the null checks and also avoiding NullPointerException:

// With Stream
  .ifPresent(list ->
    .map(name -> "Length of " + name + ": " + name.length())

Here, we’ve used Optional.ofNullable() to wrap nameList, preventing a NullPointerException if nameList is null. We then use the ifPresent() method to execute the Stream operations only if the list isn’t null.

This ensures that the Stream operations are applied only when the List is non-null, preventing any potential NullPointerException. Moreover, the code is more concise, and operations on an empty Stream won’t result in any Exceptions or errors.

However, if the getList() method returns an empty List instead of a null, then with an empty Stream, the map() operation would get nothing to work upon. Hence, it results in a new empty Stream, leaving nothing to print in the forEach() call.

In summary, both the traditional and Stream approaches aim to print the length of names from a List. The Stream approach, however, leverages Optional and Stream operations, providing a more functional and concise way to handle potential null values and empty Lists. This results in code that is both safer and more expressive.

4. Collecting a Stream of an Empty List Into Another List

Stream offers a clean way to perform operations and collect results. Even when working with an empty List, we can utilize Stream operations and collectors effectively. Here’s a simple example of collecting elements from an empty List into another List through a Stream:

List<String> emptyList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> collectedList =;

System.out.println(collectedList); // Output: []

Here, collect() is a terminal operation, and it performs mutable reduction on the elements of the Stream.

Similarly, performing an intermediate operation such as filter() and collecting the result in any collection would result in an empty Stream:

List<String> emptyList = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> collectedList =
  .filter(s -> s.startsWith("a"))

This demonstrates that Stream operations on an empty List can be seamlessly integrated into collecting results without any issues.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, Java 8 Stream operations on an empty List showcase the elegance and robustness of the Stream API. The ability to effortlessly convert an empty List to a Stream, handle potential NullPointerExceptions more gracefully, and seamlessly perform operations such as collecting into another List makes Streams a powerful tool for developers.

By understanding and utilizing these features, developers can write more concise and expressive code, making the most out of the Stream API, even when dealing with empty Lists.

As always, the source code accompanying the article is available over on GitHub.

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