Java Web Weekly, Issue 165

Upcoming Java 9 goodness, an ElasticSearch handy cheat-sheet and a cool example of evolving a mature framework. Good stuff all round this week.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 161

A packed week in the Java ecosystem, discussing some of the upcoming changes in Java 9 and potentially Java 10 as well.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 152

This week we’re talking about the JCP, the ELK stack and missing features in the Java streams implementation. Plus a host a fantastic talks.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 150

Lots of great releases in the Spring ecosystem, a look at the performance improvements in Java 9 and some job negotiation advice that could make a difference.

Java Web Weekly, Issue 149

This week was focused on Java 9, new Spring Cloud goodness and finally getting Guava 20. Good stuff all ’round.

Java Web Weekly 112

An interesting week with JUnit finally moving forward, new Hibernate documentation and some reactor updates in the Spring ecosystem.

Java Web Weekly 52

A busy holiday week for the whole Java ecosystem – an alternative to the deprecation JEP, lots of good talks and an intelligent writeup about giving advice.

Spring JDBC

Introduction to the Spring JDBC abstraction, with example on how to use the JbdcTempalte and NamedParameterJdbcTemplate APIs.

Spring Profiles

How to define and use Profiles in Spring. The 4 ways to enable profiles and their precedence. And a real-world example using profiles.