JMX Ports

Learn which ports are opened by JMX on startup

Java Weekly, Issue 413

Java bridger, GC improvements in Java, Kotlin 1.6, native images, hashing in Java, full-stack Spring Boot, and K8S operators!

Java Weekly, Issue 412

Large objects and GC in Java 18, new API in project loom, native images for Spring Boot, AWS MemoryDB, and building an startup!

Spring Boot Startup Actuator Endpoint

Spring Boot Actuator can help us understand where time is spent during application start up. We look at how to install it and use it to diagnose delays in initializing our Spring Boot application.

Getting Started With Apache Derby

A quick guide to the Apache Derby open-source relational database engine, this article discusses all the major aspects from installing and configuring it to working with its various tools. It also shows how we can connect to it programmatically using plain JDBC and in a Spring Boot application.