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1. Overview

Thymeleaf is a Java template engine for processing and creating HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS and text.

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to use Thymeleaf with Spring along with some basic use cases in the view layer of a Spring MVC application.

The library is extremely extensible, and its natural templating capability ensures we can prototype templates without a back end. This makes development very fast when compared with other popular template engines such as JSP.

2. Integrating Thymeleaf With Spring

First, let’s see the configurations required to integrate with Spring. The thymeleaf-spring library is required for the integration.

We’ll add the following dependencies to our Maven POM file:


Note that, for a Spring 4 project, we have to use the thymeleaf-spring4 library instead of thymeleaf-spring5.

The SpringTemplateEngine class performs all of the configuration steps.

We can configure this class as a bean in the Java configuration file:

@Description("Thymeleaf Template Resolver")
public ServletContextTemplateResolver templateResolver() {
    ServletContextTemplateResolver templateResolver = new ServletContextTemplateResolver();

    return templateResolver;

@Description("Thymeleaf Template Engine")
public SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine() {
    SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine = new SpringTemplateEngine();
    return templateEngine;

The templateResolver bean properties prefix and suffix indicate the location of the view pages within the webapp directory and their filename extension, respectively.

The ViewResolver interface in Spring MVC maps the view names returned by a controller to actual view objects. ThymeleafViewResolver implements the ViewResolver interface, and it’s used to determine which Thymeleaf views to render, given a view name.

The final step in the integration is to add the ThymeleafViewResolver as a bean:

@Description("Thymeleaf View Resolver")
public ThymeleafViewResolver viewResolver() {
    ThymeleafViewResolver viewResolver = new ThymeleafViewResolver();
    return viewResolver;

3. Thymeleaf in Spring Boot

Spring Boot provides auto-configuration for Thymeleaf by adding the spring-boot-starter-thymeleaf dependency:


No explicit configuration is necessary. By default, HTML files should be placed in the resources/templates location.

4. Displaying Values From Message Source (Property Files)

We can use the th:text=”#{key}” tag attribute to display values from property files.

For this to work, we need to configure the property file as a messageSource bean:

@Description("Spring Message Resolver")
public ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource() {
    ResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource = new ResourceBundleMessageSource();
    return messageSource;

Here is the Thymeleaf HTML code to display the value associated with the key welcome.message:

<span th:text="#{welcome.message}" />

5. Displaying Model Attributes

5.1. Simple Attributes

We can use the th:text=”${attributename}” tag attribute to display the value of model attributes.

Let’s add a model attribute with the name serverTime in the controller class:

model.addAttribute("serverTime", dateFormat.format(new Date()));

And here’s the HTML code to display the value of serverTime attribute:

Current time is <span th:text="${serverTime}" />

5.2. Collection Attributes

If the model attribute is a collection of objects, we can use the th:each tag attribute to iterate over it.

Let’s define a Student model class with two fields, id and name:

public class Student implements Serializable {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    // standard getters and setters

Now we will add a list of students as model attribute in the controller class:

List<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>();
// logic to build student data
model.addAttribute("students", students);

Finally, we can use Thymeleaf template code to iterate over the list of students and display all field values:

    <tr th:each="student: ${students}">
        <td th:text="${}" />
        <td th:text="${}" />

6. Conditional Evaluation

6.1. if and unless

We use the th:if=”${condition}” attribute to display a section of the view if the condition is met. And we use the th:unless=”${condition}” attribute to display a section of the view if the condition is not met.

Let’s add a gender field to the Student model:

public class Student implements Serializable {
    private Integer id;
    private String name;
    private Character gender;
    // standard getters and setters

Suppose this field has two possible values (M or F) to indicate the student’s gender.

If we wish to display the words “Male” or “Female” instead of the single character, we could do this using this Thymeleaf code:

    <span th:if="${student.gender} == 'M'" th:text="Male" /> 
    <span th:unless="${student.gender} == 'M'" th:text="Female" />

6.2. switch and case

We use the th:switch and th:case attributes to display content conditionally using the switch statement structure.

Let’s rewrite the previous code using the th:switch and th:case attributes:

<td th:switch="${student.gender}">
    <span th:case="'M'" th:text="Male" /> 
    <span th:case="'F'" th:text="Female" />

7. Handling User Input

We can handle form input using the th:action=”@{url}” and th:object=”${object}” attributes. We use th:action to provide the form action URL and th:object to specify an object to which the submitted form data will be bound.

Individual fields are mapped using the th:field=”*{name}” attribute, where the name is the matching property of the object.

For the Student class, we can create an input form:

<form action="#" th:action="@{/saveStudent}" th:object="${student}" method="post">
    <table border="1">
            <td><label th:text="#{}" /></td>
            <td><input type="number" th:field="*{id}" /></td>
            <td><label th:text="#{}" /></td>
            <td><input type="text" th:field="*{name}" /></td>
            <td><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td>

In the above code, /saveStudent is the form action URL and a student is the object that holds the form data submitted.

The saveStudent method handles the form submission:

@RequestMapping(value = "/saveStudent", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String saveStudent(Model model, @ModelAttribute("student") Student student) {
    // logic to process input data

The @RequestMapping annotation maps the controller method with the URL provided in the form. The annotated method saveStudent() performs the required processing for the submitted form. Finally, the @ModelAttribute annotation binds the form fields to the student object.

8. Displaying Validation Errors

We can use the #fields.hasErrors() function to check if a field has any validation errors. And we use the #fields.errors() function to display errors for a particular field. The field name is the input parameter for both these functions.

Let’s take a look at the HTML code to iterate and display the errors for each of the fields in the form:

    <li th:each="err : ${#fields.errors('id')}" th:text="${err}" />
    <li th:each="err : ${#fields.errors('name')}" th:text="${err}" />

Instead of field name, the above functions accept the wild card character * or the constant all to indicate all fields. We used the th:each attribute to iterate the multiple errors that may be present for each of the fields.

Here’s the previous HTML code rewritten using the wildcard *:

    <li th:each="err : ${#fields.errors('*')}" th:text="${err}" />

And here we’re using the constant all:

    <li th:each="err : ${#fields.errors('all')}" th:text="${err}" />

Similarly, we can display global errors in Spring using the global constant.

Here’s the HTML code to display global errors:

    <li th:each="err : ${#fields.errors('global')}" th:text="${err}" />

Also, we can use the th:errors attribute to display error messages.

The previous code to display errors in the form can be rewritten using th:errors attribute:

    <li th:errors="*{id}" />
    <li th:errors="*{name}" />

9. Using Conversions

We use the double bracket syntax {{}} to format data for display. This makes use of the formatters configured for that type of field in the conversionService bean of the context file.

Let’s see how to format the name field in the Student class:

<tr th:each="student: ${students}">
    <td th:text="${{}}" />

The above code uses the NameFormatter class, configured by overriding the addFormatters() method from the WebMvcConfigurer interface.

For this purpose, our @Configuration class overrides the WebMvcConfigurerAdapter class:

public class WebMVCConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
    // ...
    @Description("Custom Conversion Service")
    public void addFormatters(FormatterRegistry registry) {
        registry.addFormatter(new NameFormatter());

The NameFormatter class implements the Spring Formatter interface.

We can also use the #conversions utility to convert objects for display. The syntax for the utility function is #conversions.convert(Object, Class) where Object is converted to Class type.

Here’s how to display student object percentage field with the fractional part removed:

<tr th:each="student: ${students}">
    <td th:text="${#conversions.convert(student.percentage, 'Integer')}" />

10. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve seen how to integrate and use Thymeleaf in a Spring MVC application.

We have also seen examples of how to display fields, accept input, display validation errors, and convert data for display.

A working version of the code shown in this article is available in the GitHub repository.

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